“We do not accept any federal, state or local rollbacks, cuts or restrictions on our ability to access quality reproductive healthcare services, birth control, HIV/AIDS care and prevention, or medically accurate sexuality education,” the Women’s March on Washington platform says.
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) introduced copycat legislation that failed last year in Ohio. King's anti-choice bill would amount to a total ban on abortion care nationwide.
"We don't want to commit people's taxpayer dollars to effectively funding something that they believe is morally unconscionable," said Paul Ryan (R-WI) at a CNN town hall event on Thursday.
"Over the years we have seen abortion bans, but not ones that specifically equate abortion with homicide," Elizabeth Nash of the Guttmacher Institute said in an email to Rewire.
One Alabama doctor finds it hard to believe that the anti-choice Sessions will protect his rights as an abortion provider when the congressman becomes attorney general.
“[A]t at time when much of the country is taking more seriously the need for criminal justice reform, the prosecution of Anna Yocca indicates a larger trend in the punishment and incarceration of women in Tennessee,” said Nancy Rosenbloom, NAPW’s director of legal advocacy.
Permitting plaintiff Kimberly Stinnett to pursue civil action on behalf of a six-week-old embryo certainly seems like a dangerous step towards establishing fetal personhood rights that will interfere with a pregnant person’s privacy right.
Heather Hyden, a pregnant Kentucky woman whose fetus had been diagnosed with an abnormality, testified against a 20-week abortion care ban. The measure passed easily through Kentucky's GOP-held legislature.
On the first day of Sessions' confirmation hearing, Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans largely dismissed the senator’s abysmal record on a broad range of rights—including, but not limited to, voting, reproductive, and LGBTQ rights.