Court documents uncovered by Rewire.News show that Cynthia Coffman spearheaded a successful effort 17 years ago to strip Planned Parenthood of state funds for its non-abortion family planning services.
It’s worth asking: What would a world look like where “pro-life” activists were as rabidly committed to protecting schoolchildren as they are to defending blastocysts?
In the fall of 2017, radical anti-abortion activists debuted the Red Rose Rescues, bent on disrupting what they see as a stale political movement. Their goal is to be able to stop individual abortions without violating federal law. And so far, they are getting away with it.
This is the first bill introduced in the United States that prohibits abortions after 15 weeks' gestation, and appears to be the first bill introduced as part of a legislative effort by the Alliance Defending Freedom, which aims to "eradicate Roe."