Does The Pennsylvania Court Order For The Pregnant 14-Year-Old Even Exist?
The Morning Star calls the injunction "elusive."
Earlier this week I blogged about a court order that would allow a 14 year old girl to continue with her pregnancy despite her parents’ request to have her get an abortion. An anti-choice group sent out a press release applauding the injunction as a “victory” for the girl’s autonomy over her reproductive choices, despite the fact that if a teen wants an abortion they often argue they are too young to decide without parental permission.
Now, it appears unclear if the injunction even exists. Local Pennsylvania outlet Morning Call reports:
The release listed Dyan Cross as its contact person. Cross was unable to answer any questions, referring me to the Pennsylvania Family Institute, which then referred me to Randall Wenger, chief counsel for the Independence Law Center, also mentioned in the press release. “The Independence Law Center,” it said, “helped the girl from York, Pa., to fight the abortion in court. The mother and stepfather of the girl had scheduled an abortion for their daughter against her wishes and against the wishes of the family of the unborn child’s father.”
Also, the Law Center’s website listed various cases it was pursuing, including that of a York student fighting a school ban on an anti-abortion T-shirt. I found nothing, however, on an injunction against parental abortion atrocities in York. When I called Wenger to ask for details on that phantom injunction, he did not return my calls.
Still, there were other leads. “The court-ordered injunction,” said the press release, “was presented to the girl’s parents and Planned Parenthood of York.”
Planned Parenthood often helps families with abortions or birth-control advice, so it’s logical that it may have been helping the parents. Planned Parenthood of York referred me to Suellen Craig, head of the regional Planned Parenthood of Southcentral Pennsylvania, who knew nothing about any injunction.
“Phantom injunction?” Sounds like a bad movie sequel.