Lara Riscol

RH Reality Check

Lara Riscol is a freelance writer who explores societal conflicts and controversies surrounding sexuality. She has been published in The Nation, Salon, AlterNet and other media outlets worldwide, and is working on a book called, Ten Sex Myths That Screw America. Her chapter, Sex Sells: Business, Politics and the U.S. Media, is published in Praeger's "Sexual Health" textbook and can be found at A member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality and the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists, Riscol presents on Sexual Schizophrenia and America's Culture War to expose the political and cultural contradictions that pervert sexual lives.

Sex and Dementia: Shrouded by Taboo

As liberated as Americans appear given today’s hyper-sexualized culture, it’s the baggage of retro myths that looms scariest to those of us who choose the dignity and respect of sexual personhood no matter how ravaged our memory.

Lift Ev’ry Voice: Progressive Clergy Shout to Be Heard

By framing sexual health and justice debates as battles between purity and perversion, or virtue and vice, traditional media misses the progressive religious voices that speak out for ethics, morality and faith with respect for the dignity and decisions of all families and all individuals.

Silenced in a Sex Obsessed Culture

In our sex-saturated consumer culture, abstinence-only's refusal to talk openly about sex sends a mixed message. How can we talk about sex in a way that makes sense to us, and to our relationships? What is healthy sexuality? And how can we teach it in such a toxic environment of extremes?

Deviance in the Time of Abstinence

True moral bankruptcy as a nation lies in our legislating against other sexual and gender minorities while winking at the more disturbing goings on in our neighbors' marital homes. It's time we stand up for sexual health education, services and civil rights so everyone can pleasure with dignity.