Chloe Angyal

Passionate about women’s rights, passionate about writing and convinced that the latter can protect the former.

You are not your breasts

The "Save Second Base" campaign presents breast cancer research as an effort to save women's breasts, rather than their lives, and in doing so, reduces women to their mammary glands.

America’s becoming Sweden? Bring it on!

If we are to take Glenn Beck’s word for it, if there are indeed Arctic-length summer days spent at the beach with the famous Swedish bikini team in our not-too-distant future, then things are really looking up for American women.

One of those feminists

When I first heard that Rewire was starting reader diaries, I was excited. As a feminist who staunchly supports reproductive rights, I have come to rely on RH Reality check for information and commentary, for updates on legislation and policy, and it’s been an incredibly valuable resource.


It certainly is exciting to be starting an Rewire reader blog. I’ve been a fan of the site for a long time; I look forward to Mondays because it means a new Amanda Marcotte podcast, and I’m always amazed by the breadth of experience and knowledge I find among the people who write for the site.