In the battle of ideology v. reality, check one victory box for reality, the FDA today approved Plan B Emergency Contraception for over-the-counter distribution to women 18 and older with a valid government issued identification to prove age.

Socially conservative ideologues showed their true colors on this issue, delaying and disparaging scientific evidence showing Plan B's efficacy for more than three years. But even the staunchest of ideologues could not buttress the Bush Administration against the overwhelming tide of scientifc evidence, and public opinion, that showed Plan B should be available to women and families wishing to avoid an unplanned pregnancy, and thus further reducing the rate of abortion.

In the battle of ideology v. reality, check one victory box for reality, the FDA today approved Plan B Emergency Contraception for over-the-counter distribution to women 18 and older with a valid government issued identification to prove age.

Socially conservative ideologues showed their true colors on this issue, delaying and disparaging scientific evidence showing Plan B's efficacy for more than three years. But even the staunchest of ideologues could not buttress the Bush Administration against the overwhelming tide of scientifc evidence, and public opinion, that showed Plan B should be available to women and families wishing to avoid an unplanned pregnancy, and thus further reducing the rate of abortion.

The question now is … since the record is so clear that social conservatives are not just anti-family planning, but in reality have shown themselves to be anti-contraception, anti-sex, anti-reality … how much longer will it take for common sense to prevail on so many issues which their control over all three branches of government has denied, delayed and dismissed to the detriment of our democracy.

Stem cell research holds great potential, and even advances by researchers toward the Bush Administration policies are today being dismissed by the White House. The recently adjourned International AIDS Conference in Toronto could not have been more clear about the need for a reality based approach to sexuality education, prevention, testing and treatment options, on which social conservatives have again stood in the way of progress.

There is a pattern, and while it is true that in areas were ethical and moral concerns are at play it is best to move cautiously, common sense and reality-based methods are in fact cautious, encourage responsibility, compassion, and respect for women, girls, and other vulnerable populations. It is the lack of respect that social conservatives show for their fellow man that has exposed them as the hypocrites they are.

Social conservative ideologues and their narrow agenda, coupled with their complete control of government at home, and their desire to use and manipulate their control of the US government to export their ideology abroad, are now in plain view for everyone to understand, evaluate, and register an opinion on.

The delay in over-the-counter approval for Plan B may have caused frustration and heartache in the short-term, but it provided Americans with the reality check they need to see through to the erosion of personal rights and civil liberties that conservative ideologues promote on many fronts.

This is a victory for women, family planning and reproductive health and rights. Having served to expose the ideological nonsense that pervades the Bush Administration, Congress and socially-conservative activist courts, it is also a victory to the long-term health of our democracy, if voters remember and act in November.