Crist Receives Mandatory Ultrasound Bill, Will Decide in 15 Days
Crist receives the mandatory ultrasound bill, says he will use his 15 days to make a decision about the a veto.
Florida Governor Charlie Crist finally received the state legislature’s mandatory ultrasound bill. The bill, which requires all Florida women to pay out of pocket and undergo an ultrasound prior to having an abortion, was passed by the lawmakers over a month ago, but had been held by the Republican controlled legislature while they had anti-choice constituents place pressure on the governor, who was believed to be leaning towards a veto.
The bill, House Bill 1143, requires women who want an abortion to get an ultrasound exam in the first trimester of their pregnancy. Women would have to view the ultrasound and receive an explanation on how fetuses develop.
Crist has 15 days — until June 22 — to take action on the bill, but last month, he hinted at a Tampa Tribune editorial board meeting that he might veto it.
“On two fronts it disturbs me,” Crist told the editorial board. “That you would force a woman to go through this procedure . . . almost seems mean-spirited. To have your government impose on you, listen to a lecture, then on top of that, you have to pay for it.”
Crist now has 15 days from the point of receiving the bill to either sign or veto it, and states “I’m going to use them.”