Bachmann Allies Slam Republican Committee
The Family Research Council, a religious right organization, rushed to the aid of Rep. Michelle Bachmann in the wake of Anti-AmericaGate.
Family Research Council runs to Bachmann’s aid
The Family Research Council, a religious right organization, rushed to the aid of Rep.
Michele Bachmann in the wake of Anti-AmericaGate. They also rallied
around Colorado Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, a Republican who has made
opposition to same-sex marriage her signature issue in Congress.
In a letter to the Republican National Congressional Committee
titled “NRCC Abandons Social Conservatives,” Family Research Council
president Tony Perkins wrote, “You have made a grave error in judgment
by pulling your funds from the Michelle Bachmann race in Minnesota and
the Marilyn Musgrave race in Colorado,” he said. “The left is attacking
both of these outstanding women because they are true conservatives.”
Despite the economy and the Iraq War dominating voters’ concerns
this November, Perkins says it’s Bachmann’s and Musgrave’s extreme
views on abortion and homosexuality that will sway voters.
“They vote pro-life and pro-family. Both Congresswomen are against
taxpayer funding of abortion. Both oppose embryonic stem cell research,
and both are for a Marriage Protection Amendment,” he said. “These are
issues that motivate voters. These are issues they and other
conservative candidates have won and can win with.”
Minnesota Independent: A tool of the Religious Right?
The Family Research Council used reporting by the Minnesota Independent in its newly released voter guide (PDF) touching on abortion, same-sex marriage, “special protections for homosexuals” and stem-cell research. “Erik Paulsen runs away from Republicans and his own record”
is used to bash Ashwin Madia on social issues like abortion and
same-sex marriage, as are other reports from our coverage of the 3rd Congressional District debates. View their source guide (PDF).
Pro-lifer’s canceled speech riles right-wingers
“In Minnesota, there is another brilliant example of liberals trying to indoctrinate their views on college students,” wrote Crystal Clear Conservative.
“The College of St. Catherine is banning Bay Buchanan from speaking on
campus, because the college administration believes her speech would be
a direct violation of their 501(c) (3) status.”
SCSU Scholars blog cried foul.
“Bay Buchanan is neither a candidate nor engaged in a campaign or
debate for any candidate,” read a post at the popular St. Cloud blog
(its contributors helped arrange the Buchanan visit). The Republican
Party-affiliated Young America’s Foundation suggested “a more sinister motive behind the cancellation of Ms. Buchanan’s speech and an utter contempt for intellectual diversity.”
Despite protestations that Buchanan is not campaigning for any
candidate, Buchanan held an impromptu gathering across the street,
hailing Sarah Palin’s candidacy. SCSU Scholars wrote,
“As Bay stated, Sarah was not exactly the icon these feminists wanted.
Sarah is (horrors) a Republican, a Christian and a mom who kept her
child even after she knew it would have health problems. And, like it
or not, she’s the new face of feminism.”
Despite outcries from the right wing, the college has been
bipartisan in its policies. It banned Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton
from appearing at the college this week and last month told DFL Senate
candidate Al Franken he could not speak on campus.
Anti-Obama abortion mailers hitting Minnesota mailboxes
The Susan B. Anthony List has printed 500,000 of these mailers
to send to mailboxes in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire,
New Mexico, Ohio and Pennsylvania this week. The two-sided mailer
features a lenticular print on the front: when viewed from one angle, a
baby is visible; from another, it’s gone.
Click the image for a larger size: