Ohio Governor Gives Kudos To Political Wives Because They “Do The Laundry”
Kasich would like to thank the spouses for staying out of the limelight and ensuring that their men look good.

Their husbands may be the ones getting all of the attention, but Ohio Governor John Kasich knows that the lady folk at home are the real power behind the politicians. After all, if it weren’t for the wives, who would make sure the men’s shirts are starched and the kids are out of their daddies’ hair?
Via CNN:
Kasich also had some words of praise for the political spouses who came to the rally-the wives of Kasich, Ryan and Ohio Sen. Rob Portman. He extolled their domestic skills.
“You know, Jane Portman, Karen Kasich, and Janna Ryan, they operate an awful lot of the time in the shadows,” he said. “It’s not easy to be a spouse of an elected official. You know, they’re at home, doing the laundry and doing so many things while we’re up here on the stage getting applause, right? They don’t often share in it. And it is hard for the spouse to hear the criticism and to put up with the travel schedule and to have to be at home taking care of the kids. And where is the politician? Out on the road.
I guess that’s one way to try to relate to women.