Start Shooting, Take Away Votes, This Is Campaigning In Arizona
If you want to see the most extreme Republican political views, you just have to look south.

Arizona already counts as the most extreme state when it comes to anti-choice legislation. The state is the first to go to court to defend a pre-viability abortion ban that flies in the face of Roe V. Wade, and it’s already been to court to defend its radical immigration law that is little more than state-sanctioned racial profiling.
It’s no wonder then that Arizona politicians are inviting the cream of the Tea Party crop to come campaign with them. In fact, Joe The Former “Plumber”-Turned-Congressional Candidate is down south showing his support for state Senator Lori Klein, who is running for a seat in the Arizona House. Joe may not have come with his literal guns blazing, but his figurative guns sure were.
“Joe [Wurzelbacher] is absolutely delightful,” Klein said. “He really has a depth of knowledge of political issues that are facing this country, and he’d be great to get into office.”
Joe responded that he was obviously biased, stating he liked Lori Klein a great deal.
“She didn’t back down and become a part of the problem,” Wurzelbacher said, challenging the audience to do it’s homework and check out Klein’s record. “You really want people in office that are going to do something for you.”
He obviously wasn’t afraid to wade into Arizona’s political issues, either. “For years I’ve said, ‘Put a damn fence on that border going to Mexico and start shooting…’ that’s how I feel. I’m not going to hide it just because I’m running for office. I want the borders protected, and I’m very adamant about that.”
You would think that “start shooting” would be a touchy phrase to use considering the rampant gun violence in the country within just the last few weeks, as well as the assassination attempt on Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords last year. However, neither Joe nor Klein seem too concerned about the phrase turning off the voters.
And in the end it really doesn’t matter what the voters believe when it comes to politicians and the laws that their political representatives pass. After all, if Arizona Republican Congressman Jeff Flake wins his senate bid and gets his way, voters wouldn’t have a say at all. Via Talking Points Memo:
“I should just mention, on the 17th Amendment, I think it’s better as it reinforces the notion of federalism to have senators appointed by state legislatures,” Flake said, according to his campaign. “Having said that, I’m under no illusion that you’ll ever go back because you have 100 senators who have been elected who would worry that they wouldn’t be appointed and so I think we’ve probably crossed that Rubicon.”
Nothing quite like voters electing politicians who believe that voters shouldn’t be allowed to elect politicians.