Mississippi “Heartbeat” Ban Returns
If you can't pass a bill through one chamber, tack it onto a different bill in another chamber.
The Mississippi legislature is renewing a push for an outright ban on abortion after the point in which a heartbeat can be detected, as early as four weeks post conception, despite the fact that the bill was unable to make it out of the Senate Chamber.
Senate Committee Chairman Hob Bryan refused to allow the proposed heartbeat ban out of the chamber, saying he was not interested in putting blatantly unconstitutional laws up for a vote. But anti-choice politicians followed through on their threat to attach the bill to other legislation in order to get it into the senate for a vote.
The new heartbeat ban has now been added to a bill that will “increases the maximum imprisonment for child homicide to 30 years.” The bill defines any abortion that occurs after a heartbeat can be detected to be defined as a homicide, unless the pregnant woman was a victim of rape or incest or the pregnancy could endanger her life.
However, if the state’s new TRAP law goes into effect, the bill would be moot anyway, as there will be no clinics in Mississippi to provide abortions in the first place.