Will New Hampshire Prosecute Doctors Who Refuse to Lie to Their Patients About Abortion and Breast Cancer?
The New Hampshire legislature passed a bill making it a felony if a doctor did not lie to his or her patient about links between abortion and breast cancer (there are none). A House committee is considering rolling back some of the proposed penalties so if doctors refuse to lie they just lose their license.
The New Hampshire legislature badly wants to tell women that abortion will cause breast cancer, despite the fact this is not true. In fact, they wanted it so badly they were willing to make it a felony if doctors don’t lie to patients seeking an abortion.
But now they are starting to second guess themselves. Maybe it shouldn’t be a felony, just something doctors could lose their license over.
Via Seacoast Online:
A House committee is suggesting the harshest criminal penalties be removed from a bill that would require New Hampshire doctors to provide women seeking abortions with specific information about potential health risks.
The criminal justice committee voted 8-7 Tuesday to recommend removing the Class A felony. However, violators would still be open to malpractice lawsuits or disciplinary action by the New Hampshire State Board of Medicine.
The committee also left in lesser criminal penalties for another section relating to reporting abortions and reviewing fetal tissue samples.
In multiple states, laws are being passed that will block a doctor from malpractice suits if he or she intentionally lies to a patient. Now, as one reproductive health advocate puts it, the state of New Hampshire will “waste taxpayers’ dollars prosecuting doctors for telling the truth.”