Kentucky State Senator Reintroduces Mandatory Ultrasound Bill
Another failed bill comes popping back up for a second go.
A bill to force all women who want an abortion to undergo a mandatory ultrasound is once more being proposed in Kentucky.
The Senate Veterans, Military Affairs and Public Protection Committee will hear a bill Thursday morning that would require an ultrasound prior to an abortion.
It would provide a criminal penalty for violation of the law.
The bill’s sponsor, Republican Jack Westwood, proposed the same bill in other sessions, declaring, “I want to make sure women understand fully what is happening if they get an opportunity to see the little fingers and toes of the baby that they’re thinking about aborting…If they do, then they may change their mind and avoid a decision to do something they may be haunted by for the rest of their lives. I want them to make informed choices and, yeah, my ultimate goal is they’ll choose to keep their baby; they will not kill their baby.”