Documenting Hate: Tell Us Your Story

Lauryn Gutierrez / Rewire

Rewire has joined a national coalition of newsrooms, civil rights groups, and technology companies to track incidents of hate and bias in the United States. The project, Documenting Hate, is led by the independent nonprofit newsroom, ProPublica.

While most experts believe incidents of hate and bias are on the rise, there is little reliable data on the prevalence and nature of violence and related events motivated by ideologies rooted in hatred of others based on race, ethnicity, or gender.

If you believe you’ve witnessed, or been the victim of, a hate incident, please tell us about it. You can use this form to give us the information you want to share. We will not publish your name without your permission, and we will not share this information with law enforcement. If you believe you have been the victim of a crime, you should also consider contacting the police. Attacks against abortion providers should be included in the “gender” category.

Reports submitted to Documenting Hate will be verified by professional news reporters and civil rights groups. This is one way we can ensure that people have some means to report and resist these abuses.

Please join us in calling out the hate by sharing this form with your friends and networks.