Wisconsin Looks to Block “Telemed” Abortions
A new bill in the state would ban telemed abortions, despite the fact that they currently don't exist in Wisconsin.
The anti-choice politicians of Wisconsin has decided to take a proactive approach to restricting abortion, proposing to ban telemed abortions in the state, despite the fact that no physicians or clinics even provide them.
Via the Daily Cardinal:
Wisconsin Right to Life Legislative Director Sue Armacost said she recognized the bill would not stop RU-486 from being distributed, but would require the physician who is prescribing it to give the patient a physical exam in person.
But Lisa Subeck, executive director of National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League Pro-Choice Wisconsin said women receive the same medical care during a telemedicine chemical abortion as they would in any other situation.
“Wisconsin Right to Life would like to portray … some concept where you go into a video booth at a local shopping mall,” Subeck said. “We are talking about physicians providing medical care.”
Wisconsin Right to Life and Pro-Life Wisconsin have been especially active in the state since the election of Republican Governor Scott Walker and the takeover of the House and Senate by the Republican party in 2010. Since then, the groups and legislature have worked together to dismantle many programs that provide access to birth control, STI treatments and comprehensive sex education throughout the state.