
Kansas Has Spent Almost $400,000 Defending Anti-Choice Laws

Good thing the state government has plenty of money lying around.

Kansas Governor Brownback. [original img src]

As states continue to push for unreasonable and often unconstitutional laws restricting a woman’s right to access abortion, the legal tabs for their defense are starting to skyrocket.

Now, the state of Kansas is announcing it has spent nearly $400,000 in trying to defend just the last legislative session’s new restrictions.

Via Kansas.com:

The legal cash register is starting to ring up big numbers as Kansas defends new laws aimed at restricting abortion.

After about six months, the state has tallied $392,520 in legal bills stemming from attempts to restrict abortion that were pushed during the legislative session earlier this year.

The state spent $237,834 on private lawyers defending efforts to strip Planned Parenthood of federal family planning funds. It has laid out $94,380 defending new rules for abortion clinics.

And it has amassed $60,306 in legal bills over a new law that bars insurance companies from providing elective abortion coverage as part of their comprehensive plans.

“It seems like a lot of money in six months,” said state Sen. Kelly Kultala, a Democrat from Kansas City, Kan.

“I would like to see us spending that money on other issues that are important to Kansans, like creating jobs and putting people back to work.”

Looks like the Kansas Republicans really are creating jobs. For law firms.