Another School Year, Another Round Of Misinformation from Human Life Alliance
The HLA is back to its old tricks, paying student newspapers to hand out anti-choice propaganda.
It must be school-time again! Human Life Alliance, the group known for posting advertisements in college campus newspapers about avoiding abortion and birth control, is once again paying student newspapers to carry its publications. Previous publications have told students things like having their rapists’ babies will help to “heal them.” This time, the group paid for an insert in Arizona.
Via the Arizona Daily Wildcat:
In regards to the 12-page Human Life Alliance advertising supplement that was printed on Oct. 26. Although we understand the material printed was not edited or written by the Daily Wildcat staff, the style and nature of the advertisement made it inappropriate for publication within the Wildcat. Much of the information contained in the supplement is misleading or false. What makes the supplement doubly irresponsible is its newspaper formatting — at first glance it appears to be a part of the regular newspaper, not an advertisement.
We feel it was reckless and unethical for the Wildcat to print this false information. We urge the Wildcat to use more discretion in the content printed in their newspaper, whether advertising or reporting.
Slightly different insert. Same mode of operation.