Watch Live: Stories From the Resistance, a Speakout by the ‘1 in 3’ Campaign
Today, March 21, the 1 in 3 Campaign will stream “Stories From the Resistance,” a speakout featuring a diverse group of people who will share their abortion stories. The event is part of a national movement aimed at refocusing the debate on abortion from a political perspective to a personal one.
“Too often the political has overpowered the personal in the fight for abortion access, and now more than ever we cannot afford to remain silent and let stigma invade the conversation around a procedure that one in three women will have in her lifetime,” said Debra Hauser, president of Advocates for Youth, parent organization of the 1 in 3 Campaign. “By standing together to end abortion stigma, sharing our stories, and engaging in a personal conversation about abortion in our society, we can begin to create the understanding we need to make abortion accessible for all who need it.”
The event will begin at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.