New York Assembly Passes ‘Boss Bill’
The New York Assembly passed a bill Wednesday that would prevent employers from discriminating against their employees for their reproductive health-care decisions.
The New York Assembly passed a bill Wednesday that would prevent employers from discriminating against their employees for their reproductive health-care decisions.
S 6578A, sponsored by Sen. Liz Krueger (D-Manhattan), was passed by a 80-22 vote, which included eight Republican members. Dubbed the “Boss Bill” by supporters, it would update New York’s existing workplace anti-discrimination laws.
The bill is in part a response to the Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby case currently being decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.
“No boss should be able to tell employees whether they can have access to birth control, or whether they have the right to be pregnant,” said Krueger in a statement released after the vote. “[The bill] should pass the Senate and go to the governor’s desk this year. It would send a deeply disturbing message if it doesn’t.”
The bill awaits action by the state senate. If it comes to the floor of the senate for a vote, Krueger previously told Rewire she is optimistic it will pass. “If it comes to the floor, I believe it will pass, based on conversations I’ve had with Republican colleagues,” she said.