
Repro Wrap: Abortion Clinic Denied New Sign, and Anti-Choice Activist Discusses Clinic Violence

This week, Mark Gietzen, chairman of the Kansas Coalition for Life, told the Huffington Post that he thinks South Wind Director Julie Burkhart is "trying to provoke an incident so she can say, 'Look, these pro-lifers did something.'"

This week, Mark Gietzen, chairman of the Kansas Coalition for Life, said that he thinks South Wind Director Julie Burkhart is "trying to provoke an incident so she can say, 'Look, these pro-lifers did something.'" Killer with gun via Shutterstock

According to Fox 19, the Women’s Med Center in Sharonville, Ohio, has asked the town’s city council for permission to replace an eight-foot-tall sign in front of the clinic that blew down in a storm with one one closer to the road. The Sharonville Zoning Board of Appeals voted 5 to 1 this week against the proposition. “Their denial is discriminatory against our medical practice because we provide abortions,” Women’s Med Center owner Valerie Haskell told the Fox affiliate. “They let their emotions and personal opinions take control. Ours is the only sign variance to be denied by Sharonville in the past three years.” Haskell plans to sue.

In Kansas, anti-choice action groups are asking the Wichita City Council, for a second time, to re-zone the area around South Wind Women’s Center. This week, Mark Gietzen, chairman of the Kansas Coalition for Life, told the Huffington Post that he thinks South Wind Director Julie Burkhart is “trying to provoke an incident so she can say, ‘Look, these pro-lifers did something,’ and people from California and New York and these other places will give her money.” As the publication reported:

Gietzen also said it’s possible that the father or boyfriend of the woman seeking an abortion might show up to the clinic angry and armed because they disapprove of the abortion, and a security guard or nearby protester could end up getting shot.

When one of these men “walks up carrying a gun, and he doesn’t want that abortion to happen, somebody is going to get a bullet in their head,” Gietzen said in an interview with the Huffington Post.

Representatives from both Operation Rescue and Kansans for Life have distanced themselves from Gietzen’s remarks, which they called “controversial” and “inappropriate.”

The Albuquerque Journal reports that a group called Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust finished its early August conference in the city with a protest at the home of a local provider. “The wife of the doctor was trapped inside the house with her three children, terrified to leave,” a colleague of the doctor told the Journal. “[The protesters] stayed for two hours chanting horrible things. They were saying, ‘This doctor kills babies.’” Member Kristina Garza told the paper that the family was in no danger. “Not from us anyway,” she said. The group held a similar protest at the home of a provider in California after a training session in June.