
Wisconsin Man Sentenced to Ten Years for Plotting to Kill a Planned Parenthood Doctor

Ralph Lang was arrested in 2011 for plotting to kill a doctor at a Madison Planned Parenthood clinic after his gun went off in a local motel room. When police arrived at the motel, Lang told them that he intended "to lay out abortionists because they are killing babies.”

Ralph Lang was arrested in 2011 for plotting to kill a doctor at a Madison Planned Parenthood clinic after his gun went off in a local motel room. When police arrived at the motel, Lang told them that he intended "to lay out abortionists because they are killing babies.” politicalarticles / YouTube

A Wisconsin man has been sentenced to ten years in prison for plotting to kill an abortion provider, according to the Wisconsin State Journal.

Ralph Lang was arrested in 2011 for plotting to kill a doctor at a Madison Planned Parenthood clinic after his gun went off in a local motel room. When police arrived at the motel, Lang told them that he intended “to lay out abortionists because they are killing babies.”

In May, Lang was convicted of attempted first-degree intentional homicide.

Lang’s prison sentence will be reduced by two-and-a-half years because of time served while undergoing competency hearings. Lang also was given ten years of extended supervision after his release.

Dane County Circuit Judge Nicholas McNamara told Lang, “You have made choices that now require you to be out of society, out of the community. You have forfeited your right to live among us.” Judge McNamara also noted that Lang has never said his actions were wrong or that he would not follow through on his plot if he were free.

Lang still faces federal charges as well, for “using a firearm to intimidate or interfere with others using a program that receives federal assistance, and with using a firearm during a crime of violence,” according to the Journal.