Is Michigan Rep. Justin Amash Trying to Woo Back Extreme Anti-Choice Political Groups?
Could a three-days-after-conception abortion ban be Amash's way of trying to cozy back up to the anti-choice groups he angered last year?

Michigan Rep. Justin Amash (R) was a Tea Party darling back in 2010, when Michigan Right to Life enthusiastically supported his congressional run. But the relationship turned sour in 2012, when Amash refused to vote for the Prenatal Non-Discrimination Act (PRENDA), causing the state and national Right to Life committees to refuse to endorse his re-election campaign.
Amash won his reelection without their endorsement or financial support. Now, he may be on his way to mending burnt bridges if his latest interview with Reason is any indication. In the interview, Amash reaffirms his belief that abortion and birth control are repugnant and that, despite his libertarian leanings, government should ban anything “abortion-causing” (via Raw Story).
“It’s a tricky question, but where we have it now is not correct,” Amash said. “It should be closer to the point of conception, whether it’s instantly or the first three days. I think that’s more sensible. That’s what I think would be correct.”
Although this stance is hypocritical for someone who claims to embrace liberty and a non-intrusive government, it’s consistent with some of the other anti-choice restrictions Amash has said he would propose. Shortly after he was criticized for his failure to support PRENDA, Amash said he would introduce a massive omnibus bill that would strengthen “conscience objection” protections, enhance restrictions for teens seeking abortions, and regulate which medical professionals are allowed to perform abortions, at least within the District of Columbia. However, despite his public promises to restrict the right to choose, the “District of Columbia Respect for Life and Conscience Act of 2012” never did get introduced in the House.