Introducing: This Year’s Nominees for the Young Women of Achievement Awards (YWA)
Today, we will celebrate the Young Women of Achievement Awards (YWA), an annual event that recognizes the accomplishments of young, pro-choice, Democratic women in the D.C. area. Here are this year's nominees.

UPDATE: Congratulations to Young Women of Achievement awardees Jessica Livoti-Morales and Angelique Roche (community organizing/labor work), Elizabeth Lindsey (innovation), Tenley Peterson (leadership), Ali Rozell (political/campaign work), Merry Michelle Walker (service/nonprofit advocacy), and Julia Reticker-Flynn (women in the choice movement).
Today, we will celebrate the Young Women of Achievement Awards (YWA), an annual event that recognizes the accomplishments of young, pro-choice, Democratic women in the D.C. area. WIN members nominate them in six categories including organizing and labor, innovation, leadership, political and campaign work, service and nonprofit advocacy, and the choice movement.
The nominees this year include staffers from the Hill and the campaign trail, lobbyists and nonprofit leaders. These women are running abortion funds (local nonprofits that provide grants to women who cannot afford the full cost of an abortion), and starting their own organizations. They are combating street harassment, promoting local food and healthy eating, counseling rape victims, crafting policy and so much more. Often in their spare time, in addition to full-time jobs. It is such an amazing opportunity to be able to promote someone you know whose work often goes unnoticed. All of these women who help others by sharing their skills and the taking time to do so for no other reason than to help deserve a little recognition. Their stories are truly admirable, and who doesn’t need a good story every now and then? YWA reminds us all that some of the best inspiration is closer than we think.