
Kentucky Anti-Choice Legislators Push Forced Ultrasound Bill… Again

It's been a decade, and Republicans still won't quit when it comes to proposing a mandatory ultrasound bill.

State Rep. Joe Fischer, R-Fort Thomas. Photo: Kentuckyrollcall.blogspot.com.

If it’s January in Kentucky, there is probably a mandatory ultrasound proposal in the works, and this year is no exception. According to the Cincinnati Enquirer, for the tenth year in a now a mandatory ultrasound bill is in the works, and once more it is a “priority” piece of legislation.

State Rep. Joe Fischer, R-Fort Thomas, has introduced anti-abortion bills in the past to require ultrasounds or testing of a fetal heartbeat and thinks these types of legislation stand a better chance. He said the ultrasound bill will be a priority for him.

“It would mandate the doctor offer the opportunity to see it,” Fischer said.  “She could refuse. There are 24 states that have that. We’ve been proposing this for the last nine years, and it’s always gotten out of the Senate and never gotten a hearing in the House. The makeup of our committees in the House, including the Health and Welfare committee, is somewhat more Republican than they have been.”

Last year, Republican Jack Westwood pushed for the legislation, saying that making women “see the little fingers and toes of the baby,” would make them less inclined to “not kill their baby.”

Also to be proposed is an updated “informed consent” bill. Kentucky already has an informed consent law, but doctors are able to provide the information via recording. A new proposal would force the doctors to meet with women face to face, with 24 hours between the meeting and the abortion, requiring two trips to a clinic.

State Rep. Tom Burch, D-Louisville, the Chairman of the House Health and Welfare committee, told reporters that he doesn’t expect these bills will become law.

“It is silly to me to pass a law that’s already there. I would think they would be learning something from the last election,” he told the Enquirer. “Women are not going to take that garbage from them anymore. They lost two or three (U.S.) senators because they opened their big mouths about abortion.”

If they don’t pass, will we see them again January, 2014? You can count on it.