Majority of Voters in Indiana Want Abortion to Remain Legal
The state may have elected an anti-choice majority, but that doesn't mean they want their politicians to outlaw abortion.
As a result of the 2012 election, the state of Indiana elected so many anti-choice legislators that they no longer even require pro-choice politicians to be at the capital in order to have a quorum. Yet as the legislature turns more extreme than ever, the voters themselves are solidly in favor of a woman’s right to an abortion.
According to the WISH-TV Ball State Hoosier Survey released December 11th, only 41 percent of Indiana taxpayers want abortion to be illegal in all or most cases, where as 52 percent state that abortion should be legal in all or most cases.
The support for abortion rights grows even stronger when so called “exceptions” are discussed, such as abortion in the case of sexual assault, incest, or when continuing the pregnancy could threaten the health of the woman or girl in question, a view brought into even greater public scrutiny after Indiana senate candidate Richard Mourdock. According to WISH-TV:
[T]he Hoosier Survey also shows even greater support for abortion in certain situations. In the case of rape or incest 75% think it should remain legal. That number jumps to 83% when a woman’s life is endangered. If her health is endangered 76% want abortion to be legal. That support comes from all demographic groups. “So even a majority of Republicans support those exceptions that allow for abortion,” says Ball State political scientist Joe Losco.
The anti-choice politicians of the state may hold super majorities, but if they act out their own extremist views, they will likely see that they don’t have the will of their constituents behind them.