Nevada Tea Partiers Say They Are Done with Abortion Talk
Taking a lesson from the 2012 election results, the state's Tea Party activists are lookign to be less rigid in the upcoming cycle.

Sorry, Sharron Angle. If you were planning a foray back into politics, it looks like your ship has already left the dock.
After the movement’s resounding defeat in 2012, some Tea Party activists are brushing themselves off and taking a moment to re-evaluate why they lost. In Nevada, those conservatives are considering moves to bring more people over to their side. One way to do that? Stop focusing so rigidly on restricting abortion.
Via the Las Vegas Review-Journal:
At last week’s meeting, tea party Republicans seemed relieved at the thought of dumping abortion as an election issue.
“As candidates we need to stay away from abortion,” said Victoria Seaman, who lost a GOP primary in an Assembly race this year. “This is settled law. I’m against abortion, but this is my personal view.”
Phil Regeski, another Republican who lost an Assembly race in November, said his 23-year-old daughter came to him two days after the election and said, “Republicans aren’t going to get votes until they stop telling people what to do.”
She was talking about women’s rights, including to choose abortion, Regeski said.
It’s a move that definitely makes sense in Nevada, where the most radical of the far right have been pushed back in elections. Even in 2010, when a wave of Republican voters turned seats GOP left and right, Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle was unable to unseat Democratic Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid (R-NV), in part because of her vociferous anti-choice positions and other views on women’s issues. Republican Sen. Dean Heller managed to hold off a challenge by Shelley Berkley, but won with only a little over 12,000 votes of nearly 900,000 votes cast.