Original Author of First “Fetal Pain” Ban to Run for Governor of Nebraska
Speaker of the House Mike Flood will run to replace the current governor of Nebraska.
Proposing anti-choice legislation was just the beginning for Nebraska Republican Speaker of the House Mike Flood. Now, the Republican wants to be the one to sign them.
Yes, Flood is running for Governor.
Via KLIN.com:
In what could be a crowded race for the Republican nomination for Governor in 2014, Speaker Mike Flood is ready to distinguish himself.
Flood told KLIN’s Kevin Thomas, his time as Speaker of the Legislature gave him many opportunities to develop skills he would put to use as Governor.
Flood cites his work on the Abortion Pain Prevention Act showed his leadership showed his leadership and his support for a controversial pre-natal care bill shows his values.
Flood was not only the sponsor of the first 20-week post-conception “fetal pain” ban in the country, but was the organizer of the circus that became the testimony for the bill as well—testimony that was almost entirely pseudo-scientific “experts” trotted out by the National Right to Life Committee. Flood refused to allow any form of exception to the ban, including that of women with fetuses that are discovered to have anomalies, claiming that “allowing abortion for ‘disabled’ children should not be allowed.”
Flood has already proven to have a very tight relationship with Nebraska Right to Life, one of the most influential political groups in the state. Should he be elected governor, the anti-choice group’s power would no doubt grow even more significantly.