Priest Plans “Prayer Chapel” Next to Oklahoma City’s Sole Abortion Provider
Surely no one will be confused by the identical buildings, right?

Typically, when anti-choice activists get hold of property near a reproductive health clinic, they put up a crisis pregnancy center on the site in an attempt to woo or confuse women seeking services nearby. In this case, however, Outpatient Services for Women, Oklahoma City’s only public abortion provider, is getting a new neighbor that isn’t a CPC.
It’s prayer chapel.
The future chapel is only the second of its kind in the United States, and it’s being built in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area. No one is quite sure how the hot-button issue will pan out, but the priest is hoping the chapel’s presence, just 20 feet from the clinic, will force the abortion center out of business.
It is common to see pro-life advocates outside, on the streets. Now, they are setting up shop just one door down from Outpatient Services for Women, 6112 NW 63rd in Warr Acres.
“We’re not going to get in their face and not going to be hostile or rude,” Rev. M. Price Oswalt said. “We’ll just be peaceful.”
The chapel is still under construction. Oswalt is the man behind the plan.
“Our goal is to have someone in here praying 24/7,” Oswalt said.
The buildings are completely identical, from brick color to windows to glass doors. Rev. Oswalt claims it will take $4000 a month to keep the new chapel functioning.