Michigan Omnibus Abortion Bill Likely On Hold Until After Election
The senate will probably not debate the bill until after the votes are tallied.

The Michigan House couldn’t wait to pass a massive package of anti-choice regulations earlier this year, so eager that they even silenced women on the floor for saying words like “vagina.” The senate, on the other hand, doesn’t appear quite as anxious to put the bill up for a vote.
At least, not until after the November election.
Via MLive:
Final decisions and votes on bills related to a high-profile abortion bill pending in the Republican-led Michigan Legislature likely will wait until after the November election, but it’s possible medical marijuana bills pending in the Senate will be taken up before then.
Senate leaders say an agenda for the Legislature’s so-called “lame duck” session after the November election has not yet been created. But anti-abortion legislation — and the medical marijuana bills, if they aren’t passed beforehand — are likely to be among the topics considered for action as the 2011-12 legislative session wraps up.
The bill, which would provide TRAP regulations, as well as ban webcam abortions and create strict new oversight on the disposal of fetal remains, was a hot-button agenda item for the House, which passed the bill overwhelmingly before breaking for recess. Female lawmakers who spoke out on the floor against the anti-choice focus on their reproductive systems were reprimanded and banned from speaking on the floor during the next day’s debate as punishment.