Illinois Supreme Court to Review Parental Notification Law
Although it's never actually been put into effect, the courts may decide to change that.

The Illinois Supreme Court will begin hearing arguments over the constitutionality of a parental notification law requiring teens to notify their parent(s) before obtaining an abortion. The law has been under injunction for more than seven years.
If the law goes into effect, teens seeking abortions must notify their parents at least 48 hours in advance of the procedure, a move that would create another onerous waiting period for those who want to terminate a pregnancy.
A representative of the Thomas More Society, which will be testifying on behalf of the rule, will argue that the Illinois state constitution does not allow the state more opportunity to protect the right to an abortion than federal law does, a statement with which the American Civil Liberties Unions disagrees.
The parental notification law was originally passed in 1995. Those who support the right to an abortion believe that should it go into effect, the law would impose additional waiting periods on teens, who are unable for whatever reason to discuss their situation with their parents, or seek judicial bypass, which can also take days if not longer.