Colorado “Personhood” Amendment Officially Dead for Now
Regardless of whether the advocacy group can recover enough discarded signatures to meet the threshold, the state had decided it is too late to proceed.
It’s the end of the road for fertilized-egg-people, at least for this cycle in Colorado. Although Personhood USA has until the 28th of September to challenge the results of the signatures gathered, the ballot certification deadline has already passed, making it impossible for the issue to be on the 2012 ballot.
Personhood backers gathered over 112,000 signatures for the ballot initiative, but only about 86,000 of them were found to be valid, leaving the group almost 4,000 signatures shy of reaching the required threshold.
Personhood, the granting of legal rights to fertilized eggs, had already been voted down by the citizens of Colorado in 2008 and 2010.