A Question That Should Be Asked of Every Political Candidate
Should an 11 year old pregnant rape victim be allowed an abortion?

As the most extreme anti-choice advocates push to force all politicians to accept “no exceptions” as the default position when it comes to opposing abortions, it’s stories like these that serve as a reminder of how an all out ban would effect real people.
Especially young girls.
The girl is not yet in her teens. Police say her mother’s boyfriend, who had a history of violent crime, raped her. He was ultimately shot dead by deputies trying to arrest him. She was impregnated. She was 11.
It bears repeating. Eleven.
Forget for a moment a woman’s very personal right to choose, the spark for recent demonstrations at both the Republican and Democratic conventions. Here is a question for those who seem to know what’s best for the rest of the world: Can reasonable people really believe there should be no choice, under any circumstance, even in what happened to this child?
It’s a yes or no question that should be asked of every politician. Do you believe an 11 year old pregnant rape victim should be forced to give birth if she doesn’t want to? Because this is what no exceptions would really look like