Anti-Choice Groups Begin Turning from Romney
Allowing exceptions to abortion bans may be leading anti-choice activists to rethink their presidential support.

Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s newest public stance–that he would allow abortions in the case of rape or a pregnant woman’s health–may be intended to appeal to moderate general election voters. However, it is abortion opponents who are reacting the most, and it looks as if they are preparing to withdraw support of the ticket. is already remarking about how little a “pro-life” president in the White House means to the movement, pointing to the vast amount of anti-choice legislation that passed in the states despite President Barack Obama leading the nation. “We continue to stand and support pro-life candidates from local offices to national ones,” they write. “But the moral of the story is that when we lose an election, that’s our cue to rise and take action in other ways, not to go back to sleep.”
At the same time, American Right to Life, a subset of the anti-choicers calling itself the “personhood wing of the pro-life movement,” has announced a new site, “Republicans Against Romney.”
“Mitt Romney is the architect of Obamacare,” said Jefferson George, the president of American Right To Life Action, a conservative 527 group via press release. “Romney has already implemented what Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton only dream of: homosexual marriage, tax-funded abortion on demand by health care reform with the individual mandate, robbing religious freedom from pro-life hospitals. The list is long. If anyone believed the ‘lesser of two evils’ con, they’d have to vote for Obama.”
The site, which posts a laundry list of alleged examples showing that there is no difference in the policies of the two candidates, announces in bold letters that “Romney is so much like Obama that his Republican supporters are really just one issue voters: party affiliation.”
Although these events point to a potential change in the tide when it comes to anti-choice support of Romney’s candidacy, it could on the other hand actually benefit the presidential contender. After all, by having radical anti-choicers saying Romney is “not conservative enough,” might convince the public that he isn’t as anti-choice as his record lets on.