Cuccinelli Seeking to Override Virginia Medical Board
Not happy that the Board of Health isn't shutting down more Virginia abortion clinics, the Attorney General is telling them to meet again.

Due to an enormous outpouring of public support and activist presence at the July Board of Health meeting on TRAP legislation that could shut down many of the clinics in Virginia that provide abortion, the BOH voted to grandfather in existing clinics and not make them subject to the new rules.
From the moment they announced their decision, anti-choice Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli vowed he would make them reconsider. It turns out he was right.
Via the Washington Examiner:
Health officials said Monday that they will meet again, on Sept. 14, to reconsider their decision to exempt existing clinics, reopening an election-year abortion debate in a state with several hotly contested races on the November ballot, including the presidential election.
“I’ll put it this way, until the board obtains certification from the attorney general’s office, the regulatory process can’t move forward,” said Joe Hilbert, Health Department director of governmental and regulatory affairs. “And our challenge is to find a way to keep it moving forward.”
The new hearing is believed to be in part pushed for by Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, chairman of the new “have your rapist’s baby” RNC platform.