King’s Denial of Child Rape Victims Just Latest of His Anti-Choice Diatribes
If Akin's remarks have done nothing else, at least we are learning what the GOP really believes when it comes to rape victims of all ages.

We already know that Iowa Rep. Steve King is anti-choice, and doesn’t think much of women in general. Last year, he made a large ruckus trying to ensure federal funding was in no way used for “roboskype” abortions, and at the same time refused to debate Democratic challenger Christie Vilsack, saying he’d just debate her husband, former Governor Tom Vilsack, instead.
Now, he’s proving that his lack of compassion and respect extends all the way to 12-year-old victims of rape and incest. While attempting to defending Rep. Todd Akin’s “legitimate rape” stance King said that he’d never heard of 12-year-olds needing abortions in the case of rape, so it’s fine to not allow rape exceptions.
Via KMEG 14:
King says, instead of focusing on one phrase, and turning it into a national issue, voters should focus on the big picture.
“I think this election should be about, how did Todd Akin vote and what did he vote for and what did he stand for and in this case, I’m seeing the same thing, petty personal attacks substituting for strong policy,” he said.
King supports the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.” It would ban Federal funding of abortions except in cases of forcible rape. Right now, Medicaid also covers abortions for victims of statutory rape or incest – for example, a 12 year old who gets pregnant.Congressman King says he’s not aware of any young victims like that.
“Well I just haven’t heard of that being a circumstance that’s been brought to me in any personal way, and I’d be open to discussion about that subject matter,” he said.
King likely thinks he’s well versed in what can happen to young girls. After all, he often goes to schools to council young girls and teens about how life begins at conception and there is never ever any reason for an abortion. Amie Newman wrote about his interview with CNS in 2011:
Rep. King says he “often goes into a high school auditorium” or into kindergarten through 12th grade levels to talk to the students about abortion. He pointedly asks them, “Where do you stand on the abortion issue?” Bear in mind, he’s not teaching them how to think critically or to ponder important questions but to answer then and there “where they stand” on the abortion issue. He doesn’t provide any authentic context for the discussion or refer, presumably, to the where and with whom this is all taking place – namely, that abortion is a private, personal decision that a woman makes – on her own, with her family, or with a health care provider. The woman does not, in any way, seem to play a role in any of Rep. King’s thinking. Does he expect they know what abortion is? Does he talk about unintended pregnancy? Or does he prefer that, in fact, they have as little information as possible about what abortion is and isn’t? Rep. King doesn’t seem to care much. His goal is to have the young students ask and answer only two questions of themselves right then and there – two questions of his own creation and then – Presto! You’ve got my answer your answer!, says King.
King has railed against birth control, saying that its existence has led to a “dying civilization, and arguing that “keeping babies from being born is not medicine.” Now, he thinks there is no reason to allow exceptions for pregnant children and adolescents to terminate their pregnancies, because he’s never seen such a thing happen.
Anti-choice means forcing 12-year-old rape victims to give birth. Its as simple as that.