Kansas Legislature Becomes Even More Extreme
As a result of primary wins, the already predominately anti-choice legislature may become even more so.
There may not have been many moderate Republicans in the Kansas legislature, those, not obsessed with completely eliminating access to reproductive health care in the state. But, thanks to the Koch Brothers, there is one fewer such moderate, leaving the party more conservative than ever.
Via The Washington Post:
While the GOP won control of both chambers of the Kansas legislature in 2010, 14 of the 32 state Senate Republicans are moderates. With the eight Democrats, they can block conservative legislation. Moderates in the Senate also blocked Brownback and the House on redistricting, leading the maps to end up in court, and on education funding.
So with the governor’s blessing, two groups backed by the billionaire libertarian Koch brothers spent hundreds of thousands of dollars backing conservative challengers to the upper chamber’s moderates.
“There’s a war,” state Senate President Steve Morris, a moderate Republican, told the Associated Press before the primary. “It’s probably as bad as I’ve seen it.”
The conservatives won. As votes are counted, Morris appears to be headed toward defeat. And moderates in other states might start worrying for their own futures.
The conservative winners are both fiscal right-wingers, and also anti-choice. According to Kansas For Life, 31 of 42 House races and 24 of 31 Senate races were won by their endorsed candidates.
According to the Wichita Eagle, Sen. Carolyn McGinn acknowledged the loss of fellow GOP ‘moderates’ in the Senate: “Wow,” she said. “What kind of life is that going to be?”
Kansans for Life’s answer to that question is: “It will be wonderful!”
In the last session, the legislature nearly passed a “no taxpayer funding of abortion” law so strict it would have stopped the medical school from training students to perform some basic gynecological procedures–even if they learned them off campus. The legislature also passed TRAP laws so strict they almost shut down every clinic in the state, and have given endless “conscience” protection to any person dispensing any drug they even think “might cause an abortion” even if science says otherwise.
And that was while they still had moderates in office.