Delhi Charter School To Discontinue Practice of Forced Pregnancy Testing and Discrimination
In the face of major backlash, the school has decided to reverse its discriminatory policy.
Just a few days after news broke that Delhi Charter School in Louisiana was forcing female students to take pregnancy tests and kicking them out of school if they refused to be tested or were found to be pregnant, the school has decided to discontinue the practice.
The ACLU, which publicized the practice, was happy to learn that all students would be granted their right to an education regardless of pregnancy status.
School President Alan Christman claimed the policy was in place to “protect” pregnant students from harassment and ridicule. ACLU executive Director Majorie Esman responded via statement that that is the school’s issue, not the student’s.
“If students at Delhi are being harassed, the school’s responsibility is to protect them while ensuring their education. The problem lies with the harasser, not the victim, and it’s wrong for schools to kick students out for reasons that have nothing to do with their education.”
The school’s discriminatory policy violated Title IX, and constituted gender discrimination, as male students who engaged in sexual activities were not punished by the school. “Students who find themselves in the position of becoming a parent should have the option to continue attending classes if that is what they feel is best for themselves and their families,” said Tiseme Zegeye, legal fellow with the ACLU Women’s Rights Project. “Public schools should not be closing options off to students by denying them the chance to go to school.”