NOW And Feminist Majority Endorse Obama-Biden Ticket For 2012
Both women's rights organizations announce their support of the presidential reelection campaign.

Women are likely to key votes in this year’s presidential election, and two women’s rights groups are making their preferences known.
The National Organization for Women PAC and the Feminist Majority both endorsed the re-election of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in 2012, calling this a critical year for the rights of women.
“Simply put, this election will cast the die on whether we will go forward on women’s rights and opportunities or whether we will undo the gains of the past 40 years. Nothing less is at stake,” said Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority via statement. “As a woman and feminist leader who has fought for and played a part in many of these advances for women, I frankly feel virtually all of these advances are on the line in this election.”
NOW’s political action committee said the same in their own, separate endorsement of the ticket.
“The extremists’ War on Women is all too real, and in order to win this struggle we must have strong allies in the White House who will work with us to implement policies that empower the women of this country to live healthy, safe and productive lives. President Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden have shown time and again that they are our allies.”
NOW cites the administration’s work to enhance women’s lives through policies like the Affordable Care Act and the passage of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
These legislative bills don’t just effect women, but are of greatest importance to independent female voters without college degrees, who are most vulnerable to health care expenses and unequal pay. EMILY’s List, who has been researching that particular voter block, has revealed in their own study that President Barack Obama leads GOP challenger Mitt Romney by 8 points — 48 to 40 — in swing states.
Their preferences are not just influencing the presidential race, but could affect the election down the ticket, too. EMILY’s List President Stephanie Schriock said:
“In these tough economic times, independent women voters want candidates who will focus on putting them back to work, support equal pay, and protect vital programs like Medicare and Social Security,” said Stephanie Schriock, President of EMILY’s List. “The Pro-choice, Democratic women who EMILY’s List support are exactly the kinds of candidates these voters are looking for – veterans, police chiefs, mothers, and community leaders who will fight for middle class families instead of creating partisan gridlock.”
Will the endorsement of these major women’s rights groups convince more independent women voters to support for the ticket, or will they turn off that group as a sign of continuing partisanship? We’ll have to watch the polling to see.