LPAC, First Lesbian Political Action Committee, To Make Its Voice Heard In 2012
LPAC, the nation's first lesbian political action group, is planning to influence the 2012 campaign cycle.
Since Citizens United, political action committees have been popping up everywhere, ready to provide unlimited campaign funds on behalf of candidates and causes. The landscape so far has been dominated by conservative allies and issues, but Laura Ricketts is hoping to change that. Ricketts has gathered forces with other lesbians to launch LPAC, a first of its kind super PAC attempting to give lesbians more power in this year’s elections.
“Being a woman and being gay is really a unique position in our society,” Ricketts told the Washington Post. “I know in my experience of activism, oftentimes it makes a difference if something is women-focused. It’s likely to get the attention of women much more easily.”
However, the group does not intend to simply endorse lesbians, or even just female candidates. Chairwoman Sarah Schmidt said the group will endorse candidate of either party regardless of sexual orientation and even ballot initiatives, too.
“After decades of being a small subset of players in women’s rights and LGBT rights political efforts, the women of LPAC are stepping up to get organized like never before, aiming to give lesbians a real and meaningful seat at the table,” reads the LPAC site. “With significant resources behind us, LPAC plans to make a true impact for lesbians in the 2012 election cycle and beyond.”