State Doesn’t Pass Enough TRAP Laws? Start Your Own Suit!
The head of a Right to Life chapter has come up with yet another way to try and shut down a clinic.

Sadly, we’ve grown used to lawmakers proposing legislation that specifically target clinics that provide abortions with expensive and medically unjustified regulations and rules, solely in an attempt to shut them down. But in a new twist, Cathie Humbarger, the head of Allen County, Indiana’s chapter of Right To Life is going a step further. She’s suing a clinic herself, claiming its violating the Americans With Disabilities Act by not having handicapped parking spaces or a wheelchair ramp at the entrance.
Via the Fort Wayne News Sentinel:
Humbarger said that she has seen “women leaving (the clinic) in apparent discomfort. Moreover, these women were unable to walk unassisted — apparently as the result of having undergone an abortion. These women had to walk down steps and across a parking lot to their vehicles. On each occasion, these women were being physically held up by a (clinic) employee and/or an unidentified person.
“It was obvious their physical condition required being transported in a wheelchair, but that is not available to them because there is no wheelchair ramp.”
Humbarger said the complaint is not intended to be petty but to protect women and to ensure that the clinic is held to the same legal standard as churches, businesses and even “gentlemen’s clubs.” As The News-Sentinel reported in 2006, the opening of the multi-level Shangri-La East on Coliseum Boulevard was delayed after inspectors ordered the installation of an elevator in order to comply with the ADA.
“We care about these women, and the lack of proper care after the procedure is alarming to me,” Humbarger said.
Indiana has already put TRAP legislation requiring that providers have hospital admitting privileges in that county or an adjacent one. Unsurprisingly, Humbarger was one of the activists behind that regulation. Her reason for pushing it? Not because she hates abortion, of course, but because she “loves” the women and wants them to be safe.