In Bizarre New Ad, Missouri Senate Candidate Leaps From Bovine Rights To Abortion Bans
Missouri U.S. Senate candidate Sarah Steelman's new ad is... a little odd, to say the least.

Missouri senate candidate Sarah Steelman is still working hard to ensure she wins the Republican primary. Now she is hitting her rival, John Brunner, with a new ad that is bizarre to say the least. Most intriguing? Her segue from discussing Brunner’s alleged desire to “give farm animals rights” straight into a discussion about her “pro-life” record.
“[Male voice over]: Brunner gave $10,000 to an extreme animal rights group, that was founded to give farm animals rights. [Shows cow] They worry about her ‘feelings.’ What’s next, therapy? [Steelman voice over]: I’m Sarah Steelman. In Missouri I lead the fight to ban partial birth abortion. I’ll be a pro-life senator.”
Is this a new twist on the women as livestock talking point? And how does one go straight from mocking cows to discussing the anti-choice agenda?
it’s a commercial so bad, you have to click here to see it, since her campaign won’t allow anyone to embed it.
The winner of the GOP primary will run against Senator Claire McCaskill (D) in November.