Concerned Women For America Releases Anti-Health Reform Ad
The conservative action group now has a legislative wing becoming active in the 2012 campaign.

Another conservative action group is ready to use its funding and influence in the 2012 election. Concerned Women for America has released an ad attacking health care reform, making it the latest right-wing group to advocate against “Obamacare” this cycle. The new ad, called “Care,” is running in seven states, according to the Washington Post, and will cost the group about $6 million.
The 60-second ad from Concerned Women for America features a family physician, Ami Siems, warning that patients may be denied care under the new law and might not be able to choose their own doctor. Siems previously appeared in ads criticizing the health care reform proposal sponsored by another conservative group, Americans for Prosperity, in 2009 when the plan was being considered by Congress.
“Everyone agreed we needed reforms, but this new health care law just isn’t fixing things,” Siems says. “President Obama promised my patients that they could keep me. But what if because of this new law I can’t keep them?”
The spot will run in top presidential battleground states including Iowa, New Hampshire, Virginia and Wisconsin. It also will air in Minnesota and New Mexico, two states not considered quite as competitive.