One Poll Indicates Obama’s Approval Down In Wisconsin Post-Recall
For the first time ever, at least according to one poll, Romney is now leading Obama in Wisconsin. What happened?

The citizens of Wisconsin are still recovering from the June 5th recall vote that Republican Governor Scott Walker handily won, but fallout from the election could just be beginning to be felt.
Although Democrats took the results hard, one place they did find comfort was the fact that despite the majority voting to keep Walker in office, they also supported President Barack Obama overwhelmingly over former Governor Mitt Romney when it came to the presidential race.
Now, polling from Rasmussen implies that has changed as well.
Mitt Romney now leads President Obama for the first time in Wisconsin where the president’s support has fallen to its lowest level to date.
The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Romney with 47% of the vote to Obama’s 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.
Prior to this survey, Obama’s support in the state has ranged from 45% to 52%, while Romney has earned 41% to 45%. Last month, the numbers were Obama 49%, Romney 45%. The president led his likely Republican challenger by 11 points in March – 52% to 41%.
The results, which are still within the 4.5 percent margin of error, at the very least shows a statistical tie, but also makes it clear that Romney could in fact be ahead. So what could have happened to cause Romney to gain so drastically on Obama in the state?
Rasmussen doesn’t address that question, but one thing that could have affected the results may have been the president and the party’s hands off approach when it came to the recall election, an approach that may have angered Democrats on the ground.