
Anti-Choice Activist Moves Billboard Project from Campuses to Battleground States

Can blown up, gory fetus photos win an election?

Did Mark Harrington finally get kicked off of too many college campuses? The man behind the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform and face of the Genocide Awareness Project has a new election-themed project in the hopper, and he’s hoping it will be huge.

Billboard huge.

Called “Created Equal,” Harrington has made plans to visit battleground states across the country this election season, registering “pro-life voters” that he believes will be drawn to him as he drives through their states with a giant billboard of bloody fetuses on his truck.

“We are focusing our educational efforts in the battleground states,” Harrington said via statement:

This strategy will have an effect on state abortion laws and help elect pro-life federal, state and local representatives. Using the November election as a platform to educate voters in battleground states is the essence of our `VOTE PRO-LIFE` BILLBOARD PROJECT. This project will help register thousands of pro-life advocates to vote and urge them go to polls and `vote pro-life` on November 6, 2012.

Usually, the activists claim the bloody graphic photos are a part of “showing the truth of abortion” and can’t be avoided. Harrington however is much more honest in the fact that really, it’s about trying to shock news outlets into providing him with free publicity. According to Harrington: 

Despite the enormous impact of the billboard trucks by themselves, one of the project’s main goals is to secure free media coverage in each state and city we visit. This greatly increases our exposure and reduces the number of road hours required to have the desired impact on voters. This keeps the project very affordable. Dollar for dollar this campaign will deliver a strong pro-life message at a fraction of the cost of traditional voter education efforts.

The project hits the road in Ohio this month.