Baptist Group Asks Clinic For Money Back Over Emergency Contraception
After being tipped off by an annonymous pastor, a group asks a clinic to return its grant money because the health clinic offers the "morning-after" pill.

The Georgia Baptist Healthcare Ministry Foundation has announced that it has changed its mind about giving a women’s health clinic over $40,000 to help provide cancer screenings, after an anonymous pastor pointed out that the clinic provides the “morning-after” contraceptive pill.
Via the Rome News Tribune:
And when an unidentified pastor saw that the Baptist group had awarded WOW the grant he called the Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry, accusing the local clinic of providing abortions, she alleged.
On Tuesday, Ringstaff received a letter from Will Bacon, vice president of development for the ministry, officially rescinding the grant offer.
Ringstaff does not know who made the anonymous call after seeing an announcement about the grant on the Rome News-Tribune website.
The “morning after pill” is not an abortion pill, rather, it is a contraceptive that can be given to a woman after sex to diminish her chances of getting pregnant, Ringstaff said.
“It’s just like any other birth control,” Ringstaff added. “It prevents ovulation and fertilization.”
The group has asked for the grant money to be returned, but has kindly offered to let them keep anything they already spent, as long as they provide a list of what it was spent on. Likely to make sure nothing was spent on those dirty pills they are so opposed to.
There’s nothing in the grant materials for GBHCS prohibiting funding if a recipient provides abortions and, as the grants specifically say they have to go to the program being funded, there should have been no concern even if the clinic did provide abortions, which it doesn’t.
Meanwhile, GBHCS has awarded $150,000 to Georgia Right to Life Educational Trust Fund, which provides advertising for crisis pregnancy centers in the state.
“We are honored to partner with Georgia Right to Life in supporting their mission to restore respect for life,” said President and CEO Frank Upchurch of the Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry Foundation. “GBHCMF is committed to working with great organizations like Georgia Right to Life; we support the worth and dignity of each human being regardless of social or economic status.”
Once more, a religious group proves that the “health” of a potential pregnancy matters more than the health of women.