
House Republicans Say Grandma Isn’t Good Enough When It Comes To Teen Abortions

The House Republicans are once more trying to pass a bill that would forbid teens from going to a different state to get an abortion.

In their crusade to ensure that every pregnant teen be forced to give birth whenever possible and no matter her situation, the House Judiciary committee has once more introduced and passed the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA), a law that will make it much more difficult for a teen to terminate a pregnancy termination if she lives in a state with forced parental notification but is unwilling or unable to speak to her parents about it.

Republican backers say the bill is necessary to ensure that parents always have the “opportunity to be involved in a child’s life.” But the bill, which provides no exception in the case of rape or incest, instead serves to push families even further apart, especially as it would forbid the possibility of the teen turning to another trusted family member to step in and provide consent when a parent isn’t a safe or obtainable option.

Anti-choicers seem to have a love/hate relationship when it comes to “parental involvement.” As long as the parent is willing to try to talk a teen out of an abortion, they desperately want them involved.  But when the parent believes a teen should have an abortion and the teen doesn’t, she is suddenly old enough to decide for herself.

Cutting out other family members, and refusing exceptions for rape and incest aren’t “ensuring parental involvement.” It’s “ensuring a teen gives birth.”