Was a Texas Reporter Fired Over Coverage Of The Ultrasound Law?
After an attempt to spread the story of one woman's brush with the new law, a reporter is now in the unemployment line.
Carolyn Jones’s heartbreaking story in the Texas Observer detailing her emotional ordeal as a victim of the new Texas mandatory ultrasound law quickly spread across the internet as the face of what real world consequences these anti-choice restrictions have on women’s lives.
It also may have gotten a Texas reporter fired.
According to the Houston Press, radio reporter Scott Braddock interviewed Jones on his show at KROI News. But when he discussed the interview and played pieces of it at a guest hosting gig on a different station, he was promptly fired.
No one is entirely sure why Braddock was fired over the story. Some think it may have been because he didn’t clear his guest spot with management, although his lack of a contract should have ruled that out. Others say that the station’s owners may not have known how to deal with a reporter discussing his own stories, as the rest of the stations in the portfolio all play music.
But all area agreeing that Braddock should have kept his job, especially if the issue was that he critically discussed the unpopular new law. He is apparently seen as a calm, rational and unbiased journalist by all who have worked with him. Even Texas Right to Life called him a rare commodity in broadcasting today” who’s fair to both sides, reports the Dallas News.
Another victim of Governor Rick Perry’s anti-choice crusade?