Like a Bad Rash, Randall Terry Re-Infects Wichita With New “Campaign” Office
Like a bad rash….he’s back and opening a “campaign office” in Wichita. It will no doubt leave Wichitans wishing for an effective ointment that will just make him disappear.

Kansas has had its fill of Randall Terry. More specifically, Wichita has had its fill of Randall Terry. He was the instigator of the infamous Summer of Mercy and the founding father of Operation Rescue. That summer served as a galvanizing event that bore many anti-choice zealots, zealots that are still active within this community to this very day. And like a bad rash….he’s back and opening a “campaign office” in Wichita. It will no doubt leave Wichitans wishing for an effective ointment that will just make him disappear.
Terry’s been busy spreading his irritation across the nation. We’d like to see him quarantined on some remote, unpleasant island where he could spend his time proselytizing to some chimps. In Oklahoma, he appeared with Anne Coulter. Anne spent most of her time in Santorum Country defending her GOP endorsement of Mitt Romney. That joint all-star Terry/Coulter appearance drew out 75 Oklahomans, providing a manageable pool should Oklahoma Disease Control call for isolation of the infected.
Oklahoma has already shut down his call for “earned” delegates there and it looks like Kansas is doing the same. From the Topeka Capitol-Journal:
Kansas Democratic Party attorney Joe Sandler says the party’s delegate selection rules only recognize candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to the party’s goals and objectives. He says Terry also missed two state deadlines and submitted his application only days ago.
The last time Terry chose Wichita for a grandstanding event, his stated intent was to protest the nomination of Justice Sonja Sotomayor. He chose the clinic of the late Dr. George Tiller for that press opportunity. That didn’t work out so great for him, when a dozen pro-choice community members greeted him and shouted over his potential sound bytes. The media wasn’t very happy with them and neither was Terry and his god squad, but pro-choice advocates here decided the site of Dr. Tiller’s good work would not be sullied by him.
Terry’s latest and greatest stunt is obviously not fueled by true political aspirations, but rather his continued quest for attention. His use of his hatred for women as his chosen vehicle for two-bit stardom is unfortunate, but there are certainly bigger afflictions for Kansas women to fight… they live in a state that contains a fully-infected legislature.