Idaho Debates Ultrasound Mandate, Joins “Don’t Say Ultrasound” Brigade
Obviously, there's a memo going out telling lawmakers to not say the "u" word.
Did you get the memo? If you are a conservative lawmaker in a state pushing a mandatory ultrasound law, odds are, you probably did.
Don’t say “ultrasound.”
First, in Pennsylvania, legislators began to shy away from the word, replacing “ultrasound” with “information.” Now Idaho, who is also pushing to pass a mandatory ultrasound law, is doing the same. And their politicians’ statements sound eerily familiar.
Idaho’s co-sponsors of the bill told the Idaho Press:
“It’s all about empowering the woman and giving her as much information as possible so she can make an informed decision.” Rep. Brent Crane, R-Nampa, co-sponsor.
“When someone makes a decision like that they should have as much information as possible about that decision. This is another piece of information available to them.” Rep. Curt McKenzie, R-Nampa, co-sponsor.
“We want a woman and her doctor to make the most informed decision she can and this just provides more information for her.” Rep. Gayle Batt, R-Wilder, co-sponsor.
We already knew that states were passing astroturf legislation written by anti-choice activists and farmed out to them to submit as law. Now we can see that their talking points are being fed to them, too.