
Sunday Is “Sanctity of Human Life Day”

I assume we're just talking about the unborn, though.

Apparently, I have forgotten to mark my calendar.  But luckily, I have the Baptist Press around to remind me that this weekend is the “Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.”

Maybe I should get my 37 week fetus a card or something.

So what is this very special day all about?

On Jan. 15, Baptist churches in Kentucky and throughout the Southern Baptist Convention will observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday by focusing on life issues, as well as the critical role played by pregnancy centers such as Appalachian Pregnancy Care Center in helping women choose life.

“It was like God sent the pregnancy center just for me,” [volunteer Lisa] Welch said. “We were in the ministry, I taught abstinence, and then my own daughter was pregnant. I was in shock. I knew I needed good, strong, biblical advice.”

What sort of “good, strong, biblical advice” did the family receive?  Well, Welch’s 15 year old daughter was told to keep the baby, the girl’s boyfriend was counseled on “how to be a dad,” and they got married three months after the baby was born. 

I wish there would be a “not convincing teens that they should get married when underage” day next.